
A rant from a manager about treating your employees well.

So this will be a weird rant, but I think this sub is the right place. Some background: I've been in management positions in multiple jobs, my current one I started at entry level, loved the company, the pay, and how well employees are treated. I applied for management and moved up very quickly, and have been in my position for about a year. The actual story of how I got so mad at how some people choose to manage their teams: Today, after a successful phone interview, I interviewed a young guy in person who had relevant experience and seemed like a good fit for the position. When I asked him to elaborate on his relevant experience, he brought up how quickly he was expected to do a particular task, and I was visibly shocked. He went on to explain that if he wasn't fast enough, the managers would…

So this will be a weird rant, but I think this sub is the right place. Some background: I've been in management positions in multiple jobs, my current one I started at entry level, loved the company, the pay, and how well employees are treated. I applied for management and moved up very quickly, and have been in my position for about a year.

The actual story of how I got so mad at how some people choose to manage their teams: Today, after a successful phone interview, I interviewed a young guy in person who had relevant experience and seemed like a good fit for the position. When I asked him to elaborate on his relevant experience, he brought up how quickly he was expected to do a particular task, and I was visibly shocked. He went on to explain that if he wasn't fast enough, the managers would yell and berate him, and that the management would actively make the workload of employees they didn't like much heavier. I was blown away and MAD. I stopped him and very emphatically said: “This management team will never yell at you. We are here to support you, and I'll never ask you to do more work than what I'm capable of doing, and if there's rough days, I'm out there doing just as much as every single employee.” And y'all. This sweet man straight up looked like he was going to cry. I went on to explain the benefits of working here – a high starting pay, paid vacation and sick days (and that we encourage you to take your free time), room for advancement & cross-training, free snacks and drinks always available, a gas stipend for traveling too and from work, insurance starting immediately, etc. This guy looked BLOWN AWAY. I've been in his shoes before, and man I felt angry as all fuck. The things my job offers, in my mind, aren't that extravagant. A livable wage, insurance, and time off should BE THE STANDARD. Anyways, I offered him a job on the spot and I really hope he takes it.

Weird post, but it's just been eating me up. It's so EASY to be a good manager, I could literally never imagine raising my voice at someone who works for me. And fuck managers who do.

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