
Left after my boss refused to show basic human decency. He is now paying me time and a half extra comp to train my replacement.

I worked for a department at a university for 6 years, total 11 years at the university. I was the admin person for grant funded stuff. My boss was sometimes ok and sometimes awful but never great. End of 2021 I had a lot of unpleasant personal stuff going on but I didn't let it affect my work. I took a week off over the summer and a day or two here and there but even then I made sure to respond to any time sensitive stuff. My boss got worse and worse with communication. I think WFH made him forget we are all humans and not mind reading robots. He sent some extremely unprofessional emails to me about my performance but any time I asked what I could do better or was failing at specifically he just refused to answer. Ended up talking to the ombuds for guidance then…

I worked for a department at a university for 6 years, total 11 years at the university. I was the admin person for grant funded stuff. My boss was sometimes ok and sometimes awful but never great. End of 2021 I had a lot of unpleasant personal stuff going on but I didn't let it affect my work. I took a week off over the summer and a day or two here and there but even then I made sure to respond to any time sensitive stuff. My boss got worse and worse with communication. I think WFH made him forget we are all humans and not mind reading robots. He sent some extremely unprofessional emails to me about my performance but any time I asked what I could do better or was failing at specifically he just refused to answer. Ended up talking to the ombuds for guidance then HR. We set up a meeting to just clear the air and get on the same page, or so I thought. I made no accusations, just tried to express what I felt I was missing communication wise. It was a train wreck. My boss barely spoke and had clearly coached the HR guy in what to say. I sobbed my way through the meeting.

But that night I decided I was done. I got along with all my coworkers but I'm not going to stay miserable. Applied to a few openings including some at other departments and had an interview a week later. Another week passes and then offer me the job. Slightly different but nothing i haven't done before. I accept and just before the Xmas holiday I give my 2 weeks. I have been at my new job a little over 2 months and Holy shit I have never been more relaxed and happy. It put into perspective just how overworked and underpaid I was.

Funny enough my old boss asked if i would stay on 10 hours a week to help my replacement at time and a half. My replacement is someone I already knew and had promised I would help her learn the ropes, so I said sure. I might as well get paid for helping.

That extra comp has been extended to the end of April now lol. From what I hear they are hurting without me. I feel for my replacement though. They are expecting her to be able to step in like I never even left when she has no experience with admin work and is not familiar with the systems we use. I'm doing my best to help her but I won't go one minute over those 10 hours a week.

This is just a reminder that if you're unhappy find a way out. Find a new job, start a business, whatever. Life is meant to be lived, not slaving away for someone who won't give you even the most basic human respect.

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