
Sent a formal complaint about manager to hr for singling me out and being verbally aggressive. I have ptsd and this is disclosed. Hr does nothing.

Basically been singled out for issues that I didn't cause and spoken to super aggressively. I sent a formal complaint to hr and said that the behavior is triggering my anxiety and hindering my focus at work. Their response? “Have you tried talking to her about it?” No. I have anxiety issues. Why even suggest that? Hr then sends me options for counseling. I have medication and see a therapist already. That's not the issue. The issue is aggressive behavior that should be addressed. Not my issues of which I'm already taking care of. I'm beyond frustrated and don't know what more I can do at this point.

Basically been singled out for issues that I didn't cause and spoken to super aggressively. I sent a formal complaint to hr and said that the behavior is triggering my anxiety and hindering my focus at work.

Their response? “Have you tried talking to her about it?”

No. I have anxiety issues. Why even suggest that?

Hr then sends me options for counseling.

I have medication and see a therapist already. That's not the issue. The issue is aggressive behavior that should be addressed. Not my issues of which I'm already taking care of.

I'm beyond frustrated and don't know what more I can do at this point.

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