
A cop’s anti-work post

Good evening! I'm going to be intentionally vague because I do fear retribution for this post. I've sat on this for years, eschewing legal action and media action because ultimately, I've been taught through experience that none of this matters to any one in power. I know this because I was apart of an investigation which proved, beyond any reasonable doubt that a high ranking police officer committed fraud and perjury. The result? Nothing. At first I refused to write other cop's affidavits and warrants. (I was a low level detective specializing in post conviction violations). Then i refused to defraud a local social service shelter (departments will often get funding through contracts). At first I accepted the working, billable 20 hours a week as 'office hours but as I exhausted personal education and familiarization with the local case law, I was discontent with doing nothing. My boss said I…

Good evening!

I'm going to be intentionally vague because I do fear retribution for this post. I've sat on this for years, eschewing legal action and media action because ultimately, I've been taught through experience that none of this matters to any one in power. I know this because I was apart of an investigation which proved, beyond any reasonable doubt that a high ranking police officer committed fraud and perjury. The result? Nothing.

At first I refused to write other cop's affidavits and warrants. (I was a low level detective specializing in post conviction violations). Then i refused to defraud a local social service shelter (departments will often get funding through contracts). At first I accepted the working, billable 20 hours a week as 'office hours but as I exhausted personal education and familiarization with the local case law, I was discontent with doing nothing. My boss said I was silly and encouraged me to bill my hours to the shelter. I eventually refused and took billable hours away from other cops (which was legit, I was, despite being inexperienced, a senior employee). I was slowly phased put of this position and was forced to devote my time to traffic enforcement.

Anyway, I was fired at some point, as a cop, 30 minutes after I lodged an overtime pay complaint with my boss (a high ranking cop). Now, overtime laws are silly when it comes to emergency responders. Generally, as long as you don't average over 43 hours for periods of 2 or 8 weeks (going from memory hear but those are the two periods of times). However, my boss wanted to move us to a schedule which had us working 36 hours for two weeks, then 48 hours for two weeks for an average of 42 hours a week. Note that we did not HAVE ANY RETIREMENT BENEFITS. I protested, called the local labor department and verified what I thought. This was bullshit. As i said, I made the complaint as advised and was immediately fired.

Now, I do not wish for this to become an anti-cop post. (There are a lot of decent cop's, it turns out the issue is under-pay and an appalling lack of ethical education. That being said cops are often far worse than anything I've read here. Before anyone recommends legal action: I've tried, most lawyers don't want to touch anything I've said. Bear in my mind that cops in my area have literally gotten away with proven crimes. Just needed to get it off my chest.

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