
I quit my job when my boss said I couldn’t self isolate after being exposed

I got a call from a close friend, whom I had just spent hours with hanging out and eating with the day prior, stating that they tested positive for covid. I immediately left the class that I was in and went to get tested on our campus. Luckily I tested negative, but since I know there are cases where people may not test positive until a couple days after you get exposed. With that in mind I decided to self isolate in my dorm and test everyday for the next 5 days. I informed my professors and bosses that I would not be going to class in person and I would not be going into work. One professor did not respond and the other gave me the zoom link for class. Both of my bosses said that if I tested negative I would be able to go into work, however…

I got a call from a close friend, whom I had just spent hours with hanging out and eating with the day prior, stating that they tested positive for covid. I immediately left the class that I was in and went to get tested on our campus. Luckily I tested negative, but since I know there are cases where people may not test positive until a couple days after you get exposed. With that in mind I decided to self isolate in my dorm and test everyday for the next 5 days. I informed my professors and bosses that I would not be going to class in person and I would not be going into work. One professor did not respond and the other gave me the zoom link for class. Both of my bosses said that if I tested negative I would be able to go into work, however one boss said that they were short staffed and that I would need to come into work. The other boss said that it was alright and wished me better health.
I tested negative again today, but I decided to wuit my job with the boss that told me I needed to come in and took more hours at the other job.
I quit for a multitude of reasons, that boss does not wear a mask in the market I work at, does not treat their workers well and always blames the night shift(I have problems with her before and her boss was no help), and I could already tell she was going to fire me if I did not go into work today.
I did not think it would have been wise to have me work in the market, with no gloves, touching all of the food, when I could just be self isolating as a precaution. I am an RA and I have to tell my residents to self isolate if they get exposed, but then I'm not allowed to self isolate??

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