
“No one wants to work anymore” – NO. SH!T.

I am currently at the toilet puking from stress due to the complete overwhelm at my job. I absolutely cannot keep up, no one can, and we get zero raises. Zero communication. Zero help. It’s all seen as me “not working hard enough.” I can’t take breaks. I can’t take my lunch. I can’t breathe. I work 10-12 hour days aka unpaid OT because that’s all a salary is code for. How can anyone live this way. FUCK. The 1%. And fuck anyone who still worships the Kardashians/Jenners – y’all are absolutely moronic.

I am currently at the toilet puking from stress due to the complete overwhelm at my job. I absolutely cannot keep up, no one can, and we get zero raises. Zero communication. Zero help. It’s all seen as me “not working hard enough.”

I can’t take breaks. I can’t take my lunch. I can’t breathe. I work 10-12 hour days aka unpaid OT because that’s all a salary is code for. How can anyone live this way.

FUCK. The 1%. And fuck anyone who still worships the Kardashians/Jenners – y’all are absolutely moronic.

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