
I put in my two weeks notice and now I’m not doing SHIT

The past two weeks I’ve been just fucking around (remotely) and if my manager didn’t hate me before, that guy really hates me now. He was calling me up last week like “WE NEED TO GET ALL OF THIS DONE BY FRIDAY!! GRRRR! IM THE MEAN, SCARY MANAGER GUY!” And I was like “Yes! Of course, right away!” And then I just wouldn’t do a goddamn thing. I think yesterday he finally gave up and just “wished me the best of luck” and hasn’t called me because he can clearly see I’m not doing shit. I don’t feel bad though because this is a company that acquired my old company and they haven’t given two fucks about us, half our team quit and they didn’t bother to replace anyone, they just wanted to stack more work on the rest of us with no increased compensation. I pretty much refused to…

The past two weeks I’ve been just fucking around (remotely) and if my manager didn’t hate me before, that guy really hates me now. He was calling me up last week like “WE NEED TO GET ALL OF THIS DONE BY FRIDAY!! GRRRR! IM THE MEAN, SCARY MANAGER GUY!” And I was like “Yes! Of course, right away!” And then I just wouldn’t do a goddamn thing. I think yesterday he finally gave up and just “wished me the best of luck” and hasn’t called me because he can clearly see I’m not doing shit.

I don’t feel bad though because this is a company that acquired my old company and they haven’t given two fucks about us, half our team quit and they didn’t bother to replace anyone, they just wanted to stack more work on the rest of us with no increased compensation. I pretty much refused to do that and they eventually tried to swindle me into doing it for a “$500 bonus!” A one time deal for working an extra 6 hours every night, like fuck off assholes.

Anyways, if your company tries to pull this shit on you, just work your 8 hours and spend the rest of your time looking for a new place to work. It’s tough for a little bit, but once you’re successful it’s a liberating feeling.

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