
How many suffer from low wages?

I was reading that less than 1% of US population makes minimum wage. If enough were suffering, wouldn't Bernie be president? I know we have an injustice in the exploitation of workers, but is it that big of an issue? Sorry if this is offensive, just trying to understand. I made $20 a month working 9am to 6pm, 6 days a week before I came to USA. So I do understand the difficulty.

I was reading that less than 1% of US population makes minimum wage. If enough were suffering, wouldn't Bernie be president? I know we have an injustice in the exploitation of workers, but is it that big of an issue? Sorry if this is offensive, just trying to understand. I made $20 a month working 9am to 6pm, 6 days a week before I came to USA. So I do understand the difficulty.

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