
manegment asked for my opinion, but interrupted me once I tried to speak.

This happened yesterday so im just ranting about it now cause im still stewing. I got off of work like usual the new boss of bosses guy was giving people phone calls about to comments we made on a flash cards after a meeting we had to talk about changes with the company. He started the call saying he wanted to hear my opinion, but before I could even speak he ranted on for a few minutes about how he's heard the same complaint over and over again and would like to just move past my comments about certain areas. (Mind you my only comments on the card were just the thing he didn't want to hear about) Once I did try to speak he immediately cut me off, and gave me the “this was covered in the meeting” speech for another few minutes. All I heard was how tired…

This happened yesterday so im just ranting about it now cause im still stewing. I got off of work like usual the new boss of bosses guy was giving people phone calls about to comments we made on a flash cards after a meeting we had to talk about changes with the company.

He started the call saying he wanted to hear my opinion, but before I could even speak he ranted on for a few minutes about how he's heard the same complaint over and over again and would like to just move past my comments about certain areas. (Mind you my only comments on the card were just the thing he didn't want to hear about)

Once I did try to speak he immediately cut me off, and gave me the “this was covered in the meeting” speech for another few minutes. All I heard was how tired he was and he's doing these calls on his own time, blah blah blah more complaints.

Sucks to have to do those calls and listen to the same complaint over and over again, but that what he signed up for and thats why he gets paid the big bucks. when he took it upon himself to have people write out their opinions and questions on the cards. It doesn't matter if you heard it once or a thousand times the proper thing to do is still listen.

Asking someone for their opinion and not even wanting to listen to it is not only rude but unprofessional, First off don't say you want to hear my opinion and shut down literally the ONLY thing I had written on the card. It's a waste of my time and his mostly if that's all he was going to do.

The call was 6 minutes long and I probably got to speak less than 1 minute out of the 6 before he hung up….

Next time I should tell them I want to get paid for any work calls made to me after work. If I'm gonna have to be forced to listen, I'm gonna get paid doing it.

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