
LinkedIn Post That Made Me Cringe

TL;DR Bosses tell man to keep working instead of retiring to heal from early loss of son, and is somehow a good thing. I am posting the text rather than linking the post, in case we have well meaning folks storm over there to speak the truth on a post where a man is talking about his dead son, in the event that it happens to be true. But here's the text: A year ago we learnt something was wrong with our son Jack. He had just moved into his first house, and was engaged at the age of 28. A few weeks later we were told he had a rare incurable cancer. Jack died in January 2022 at the age of 29. Something inside me died with him. It was the most difficult year of my life and I miss him every single day. A few weeks ago I…

TL;DR Bosses tell man to keep working instead of retiring to heal from early loss of son, and is somehow a good thing.

I am posting the text rather than linking the post, in case we have well meaning folks storm over there to speak the truth on a post where a man is talking about his dead son, in the event that it happens to be true. But here's the text:

A year ago we learnt something was wrong with our son Jack. He had just moved into his first house, and was engaged at the age of 28. A few weeks later we were told he had a rare incurable cancer. Jack died in January 2022 at the age of 29. Something inside me died with him. It was the most difficult year of my life and I miss him every single day.

A few weeks ago I decided to retire. Work was losing meaning for me and I needed some time to heal.

My managers at J.P. Morgan listened patiently and told me I was wrong. They said I was making a bad decision because I was in a bad place. They told me I had more to give and that I could still add value to our clients.

They stood up for me and supported me. They could have shoved me through the exit door and replaced me with a junior, but they chose not to. It means a lot when your employer cares so much. I’m honored to work for such a great bank.

I’m not retiring. I’m doing something new that is a passion. I have more to give in Jack’s memory and I will do it with pride knowing that J.P. Morgan has my back.

Thank you. RIP Jack

I was shocked. This man wanted to retire, presumably could afford to since he was leaning that way (he's a “Managing Director” at his company), to grieve his son and heal. His corporate overlords then said, “we think that's a bad idea”, to which he responds, “wow! I never looked at it that way! Thank you!”

What was even more appalling is that they didn't even spew the usual BS to keep him; “we are a family”, “your personal fulfillment”, “being a part of something bigger”, etc. They straight up just said, “you have more to give” (i.e. we have more to get out of you) and “you can add value to our clients” (i.e. make us more money off of our customers).

The worst part? It had 35.5K likes when I saw it last.

This totally reads as a piece of made up propaganda, and I cannot believe that it's real, and even if it isn't, that people are actually giving it their upvote. Jesus.

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