
What happened to this subreddit and movement?

It seems almost half the posts on here are reposts. Recently someone made up an entire text exchange with an imaginary boss just for upvotes and to promote their only fans. Seriously, this use to be a great place to discuss work reform but now it’s turned into any other sub on Reddit. Full of karma bots and reposts and nothing is being done about it. I feel like I can’t even trust half the stories I read now. This entire movement is losing my trust and hope. Edit: and we still haven’t recovered from the interview disaster, or the several other interviews they did/agreed to do while claiming they speak for all of us. Some of the same people are still here moderating this subreddit.

It seems almost half the posts on here are reposts. Recently someone made up an entire text exchange with an imaginary boss just for upvotes and to promote their only fans. Seriously, this use to be a great place to discuss work reform but now it’s turned into any other sub on Reddit. Full of karma bots and reposts and nothing is being done about it. I feel like I can’t even trust half the stories I read now. This entire movement is losing my trust and hope.

Edit: and we still haven’t recovered from the interview disaster, or the several other interviews they did/agreed to do while claiming they speak for all of us. Some of the same people are still here moderating this subreddit.

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