

So I got recently laid off from a job quite abruptly simply due to me missing days of work, but the thing is I was actually sick the days I missed. I worked hard every single time I was there, I was on time and even early even. And it sucks that I was dropped so effortlessly without like any discussion about it. I found another job but it doesn’t start till April 12, and I’ve been aggressively looking for a job in the meantime of that. But I CANNOT FIND ONE, but also at the same time I’m not trying to shit on a company because I can only work there for a month… help

So I got recently laid off from a job quite abruptly simply due to me missing days of work, but the thing is I was actually sick the days I missed. I worked hard every single time I was there, I was on time and even early even. And it sucks that I was dropped so effortlessly without like any discussion about it. I found another job but it doesn’t start till April 12, and I’ve been aggressively looking for a job in the meantime of that. But I CANNOT FIND ONE, but also at the same time I’m not trying to shit on a company because I can only work there for a month… help

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