
Typed out a resignation letter that I’ll probably never send and just quit instead. Edited names for obvious reasons.

I have no gripes with you ***, you’ve been a very nice person to work with from day one. Despite working here for a year, ** decided to, in front of the entire company, claim me as his “bottom of the totem pole”. If I wasn’t on a boat I would have quit on the spot right then. It is extremely inappropriate to publicly shame any employee, especially when it’s for a social order, entirely made up and dependent on the perceptions of management. Shameful. I have had my suspicions confirmed that this was always intended to be a dead end job and my only role is to do the work ***** doesn’t want or anything dangerous or disgusting. I would recommend not replacing my position. It is not needed. I do 95% of the warehouse work on top of my service work. ***** can easily handle the warehouse side…

I have no gripes with you ***, you’ve been a very nice person to work with from day one. Despite working here for a year, ** decided to, in front of the entire company, claim me as his “bottom of the totem pole”. If I wasn’t on a boat I would have quit on the spot right then. It is extremely inappropriate to publicly shame any employee, especially when it’s for a social order, entirely made up and dependent on the perceptions of management. Shameful. I have had my suspicions confirmed that this was always intended to be a dead end job and my only role is to do the work ***** doesn’t want or anything dangerous or disgusting. I would recommend not replacing my position. It is not needed. I do 95% of the warehouse work on top of my service work. ***** can easily handle the warehouse side by himself. Ever since I got sick with covid and missed 9 days of work, ***** has been punishing me by making me do nearly 100% of the physical labor while he watches and asks if I can handle it, on every single box. This was many months ago. If you do feel the need to hire another bottom of the totem pole, I would recommend not hiring anyone Jewish, black or gay. It has been made abundantly clear that ***** would not tolerate any such hire. Especially Jewish as they are “the antichrists that will destroy the world” according to my esteemed coworker. I would also like to mention **. While she was drunk at the clippers game many months ago. She decided it was very appropriate to tell me that my position was extremely replaceable. That ** would ask her to go to the warehouse sometimes, she took great offense to this as she said it was beneath her and disgusting. This sort of open contempt for those “below them” has been very common in the workplace here. None of you probably notice it as all of you feel above me and make it known at every possible opportunity. Seeing as our senior sales staff views my work as easily replaceable and disgusting, it should be no issue at all for you to find a replacement with my work ethic and craftsmanship skills. Especially in this market now with everyone clambering to work for people who look down on them for little pay.

Sincerely, *****

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