
Can retail workers please get chair like literally fucking everywhere else in the world? What’s even the benefit of not having one?

Ever since learning that you guys in the USA don't even get a fucking CHAIR here for the lowest paid retail jobs, it's been driving me nuts. Like, some of the corporate BS I understand – I strongly disagree with it, but understand if it's purely about greed. You know, yachts are getting more expensive, growing a gap between the rich and the plebs can be seen as some weird RL tycoon game, etc… ​ However, this shit? What is this? Some collective junior manager level powertrip across the entire nation? It's like a fucking weird oligopolistic practice that almost all retailers participate in, but instead of being based around maximising profit (like big tobacco) it's concentrated on making one specific job as miserable as possible. It even flies in the land of lawsuits, where basically you can't be a cashier if you can't stand for several hours. Which is…

Ever since learning that you guys in the USA don't even get a fucking CHAIR here for the lowest paid retail jobs, it's been driving me nuts. Like, some of the corporate BS I understand – I strongly disagree with it, but understand if it's purely about greed. You know, yachts are getting more expensive, growing a gap between the rich and the plebs can be seen as some weird RL tycoon game, etc…

However, this shit? What is this? Some collective junior manager level powertrip across the entire nation? It's like a fucking weird oligopolistic practice that almost all retailers participate in, but instead of being based around maximising profit (like big tobacco) it's concentrated on making one specific job as miserable as possible. It even flies in the land of lawsuits, where basically you can't be a cashier if you can't stand for several hours. Which is suuuuuper discriminatory against the disabled people. It's insane.

If I were there, I'd waste the store managers' time during every shopping trip, complaining about being offended by the way they treat their employees or something to this mantra. What a clown show. It seems anti-people practices are almost expected from this kind of jobs these days, which is even worse, as people have been conditioned to think it's anything but absolutely fucking appalling. Is there even any chance for this situation to change?

Sorry for the rant and thanks for being here. I'm really happy there are so many of you with the correct attitude to the cancer of capitalism.

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