
I put in my 2 weeks notice today!

I decided to quit this dogg ass job. Not only are we heavily understaffed the people that are left are being treated like shit. Why is it that supervisors always act so uptight? I got an official warning because I was a few minutes late today. Like seriously? People are late all the time it’s not that big of a deal. (My work place is very informal) I decided to quit. If you want to nitpick about me being a few minutes late you can go nitpick About being understaffed, I don’t have to deal with this bullshit. I wish them well trying to cover my fulltime shifts What do they think we are? Robots?

I decided to quit this dogg ass job. Not only are we heavily understaffed the people that are left are being treated like shit.

Why is it that supervisors always act so uptight?

I got an official warning because I was a few minutes late today. Like seriously? People are late all the time it’s not that big of a deal. (My work place is very informal)

I decided to quit. If you want to nitpick about me being a few minutes late you can go nitpick
About being understaffed, I don’t have to deal with this bullshit.

I wish them well trying to cover my fulltime shifts

What do they think we are? Robots?

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