
I am not answering the phones tomorrow

I work in an office setting and I've already been asked to cover the phones when the receptionist is at lunch or running errands. It's not supposed to just be put on me- other assistants are supposed to help with coverage- but 90% of the time it's on me. Today I found out that the receptionist is taking the next two days off. Did an office manager come talk to me about this and ask for my help? Did anyone explain to my boss that I'm expected to cover phones all day for the next two days? No? Then I am not answering the phones. The office manager is just assuming I'll jump in and help, because I have always been that person to pitch in when we are short staffed, but that's going to end. I am done being expected to cover the role of receptionist and assistant at…

I work in an office setting and I've already been asked to cover the phones when the receptionist is at lunch or running errands. It's not supposed to just be put on me- other assistants are supposed to help with coverage- but 90% of the time it's on me. Today I found out that the receptionist is taking the next two days off. Did an office manager come talk to me about this and ask for my help? Did anyone explain to my boss that I'm expected to cover phones all day for the next two days? No? Then I am not answering the phones. The office manager is just assuming I'll jump in and help, because I have always been that person to pitch in when we are short staffed, but that's going to end. I am done being expected to cover the role of receptionist and assistant at the same time. They can figure something else out. Tomorrow, I'm working my own job and that's it.

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