
Can I just say that I don’t understand why companies are so scared of pushing up the minimum wage?

Yes, I KNOW why they don't actually do it, investors and penny pinching to boast profits. But I seriously don't understand why companies complain about not being able to find workers, then turn around and just barely raise the poverty wage they call “minimum” by like a buck and call it a day. Like, McDonald's, you are a BILLION A DAY dollar making company, you can spare the fuxking expense to raise your wages by like 5 bucks, hell, even 10 bucks. But hey, God forbid you let your employees be able to pay the bills.

Yes, I KNOW why they don't actually do it, investors and penny pinching to boast profits. But I seriously don't understand why companies complain about not being able to find workers, then turn around and just barely raise the poverty wage they call “minimum” by like a buck and call it a day. Like, McDonald's, you are a BILLION A DAY dollar making company, you can spare the fuxking expense to raise your wages by like 5 bucks, hell, even 10 bucks. But hey, God forbid you let your employees be able to pay the bills.

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