
Help! State agency with inconsistent time clock

This is a long story but you'll see why once you read it. Background: Work for a prison in the state of Missouri employee for 17 years. Started as an officer 3 years later moved to supply/logistics Not perfect dedicated employee by all means but absolutely not trash employee either. Never have had a problem coming in working my assigned shifts. Rarely take time off unless absolutely necessary. Run a department entirely by myself and more than willing to help out any department. Made an enemy out of my Department Administrator 3rd in line from Warden Has drastically overinflated opinion of himself and responds very poorly to anyone how does not support his delusion. That is another long story but made an enemy when he asked my if I paused to consider his opinion when I responded to an emergency situation and my smart mouth told him his opinion was…

This is a long story but you'll see why once you read it.

Work for a prison in the state of Missouri employee for 17 years.
Started as an officer 3 years later moved to supply/logistics
Not perfect dedicated employee by all means but absolutely not trash employee either.
Never have had a problem coming in working my assigned shifts. Rarely take time off unless absolutely necessary. Run a department entirely by myself and more than willing to help out any department.
Made an enemy out of my Department Administrator 3rd in line from Warden
Has drastically overinflated opinion of himself and responds very poorly to anyone how does not support his delusion.
That is another long story but made an enemy when he asked my if I paused to consider his opinion when I responded to an emergency situation and my smart mouth told him his opinion was not an influential factor in my most my life decisions and he wasn't important enough to make me pause and think what would he say


He couldn't discipline me for responding and we both knew it but the past 14 years he has dedicated to proving his superiority. In any and every petty way possible.
No I am no saint and have made plenty of mistakes.
Arriving to work on time has been my biggest problem.
More accurately I have struggled with time blindness my entire life. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD as well as several other medical conditions that has made this a serious issue.

I tried more “tricks” and methods to fix this than anybody I know. This is not willful disregard or an attempt to “show them” It has caused several problems, severe anxiety, a mountain of medical bills looking for why and a small fortune spent on alarm clocks apps and aides.
This is the only thing he has managed to discipline me on.
I am not talking hours I am talking less then 10 minutes.
Now here is the current issue. I have adapted and learned how to cope with this and have managed to improve this to the point of acceptable but not stellar.
Okay we are caught up to my current problem. I injured my knee in December responding to an officer down (I have stopped responding to anything other then extreme)
When I came back to work after a couple days off he had me report to his office.

Once there he told me it was my fault I got hurt and I should have done what he told me years ago and not help.
Gives me the work comp paperwork and proceeds to tell me I am on a probationary discipline plan because I was late. I am livid but older and wiser so I shut up.
Now my new boss has been instructed to pull my digital time log and write me up for every time I am late.
Our “time clocks” are a fingerprint scanner used to identify and keep track of who is inside the institute ie accountability.

I buckle down and am hyper vigilant of my time but I am constantly being wrote up.
Here is the problem. After arriving going through the standard search I scan my fingerprint and note the time on the display when it is accepted.
When compared to the time report they absolutely do not come close to matching.
For example
Bottom stairwell display 7:28an
Bottom stairwell report 7:37 am

This is the first scanner to get in. There is not a single scanner that is matching the time reports. We have one with the display clock showing 3:50am 7/5/1970

One display is 19 minutes faster than the other one 2 feet away. I have been using these to make sure I am in compliance and none of them are consistent.

Had a meeting with the Warden for a pre disciplinary meeting. I explained the inconsistencies and while I have explained this I got a “we will look into it”
I have until tomorrow to draft a letter to the assistant director explaining my side of this.

Between making an enemy and they are looking at having to do a knee replacement I am fairly confident they are going to try to fire me.

An suggestion from similar situations or Missouri law.

I am not going down without a fight. This is wrong.

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