
First we push for national WFH. Then, we push for national Double Pay for onsite workers

First we push for national WFH. Then, we push for national Double Pay for onsite workers. So therefore cab drivers, retail workers, servers, etc should be paid double because they have to be onsite. This way if office workers get to WFH, onsite workers also benefit by getting paid more than they do now. That will be the incentive to work such types of jobs. This is our generations revolution.

First we push for national WFH. Then, we push for national Double Pay for onsite workers.

So therefore cab drivers, retail workers, servers, etc should be paid double because they have to be onsite.

This way if office workers get to WFH, onsite workers also benefit by getting paid more than they do now. That will be the incentive to work such types of jobs.

This is our generations revolution.

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