
Creepy GM at new job, advice?!

What is the balance between being polite to your general manager at the job you just started and just avoiding him completely, which I’m sure will come across hella b*tchy. He gives me super creepy vibes but he hasn’t crossed any boundaries and I find myself, like always, being polite and cordial and going along with the awkward small talk cause I’m a people pleaser and want my bosses to be happy with having me as an employee (basically just for the purpose of getting good references in the future lol). But I’m sure eventually, just like all the rest of all the old creepy supervisors out there, he is going to say something just on the cusp of being inappropriate but just close enough to make it easy for him to get away with saying cause he’s probably done it 100 times and knows exactly what he’s doing. And…

What is the balance between being polite to your general manager at the job you just started and just avoiding him completely, which I’m sure will come across hella b*tchy. He gives me super creepy vibes but he hasn’t crossed any boundaries and I find myself, like always, being polite and cordial and going along with the awkward small talk cause I’m a people pleaser and want my bosses to be happy with having me as an employee (basically just for the purpose of getting good references in the future lol).
But I’m sure eventually, just like all the rest of all the old creepy supervisors out there, he is going to say something just on the cusp of being inappropriate but just close enough to make it easy for him to get away with saying cause he’s probably done it 100 times and knows exactly what he’s doing. And I’m going to excuse it and make some awkward joke to ignore it and move on with life and then hate myself afterwards for not telling him to eat shit and regret it for the rest of my life, and yes I’m clearly talking from previous experience.
Some background if anyone cares, I had an extremely emotionally abusive dad growing up (hence the people pleasing as mentioned earlier) so I don’t have balls to speak up for myself in these situations and I’m sick of creeps thinking this shit is okay!!!!! Would love some advice people of reddit!

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