
I’m just frustrated

For context, I’m 24 and have been unemployed for 6 months now trying to find a job. It has been hard finding a job. When people say “everywhere is hiring”, it does not relate to my profession per se. What really has gotten me down in such a depressive mood is the housing crisis. I have been offered a decent paying job which made me super excited. But then, the employer wants me to start in a few weeks. I told them that does not give me enough time to look for an apartment. He said I could do virtual for a week but they’re anxious to start getting me going on projects. I haven’t answered back yet because, while I do appreciate how they are giving me a week remote, a few weeks still doesn’t feel like enough time to find a place, which leads me to my last…

For context, I’m 24 and have been unemployed for 6 months now trying to find a job.

It has been hard finding a job. When people say “everywhere is hiring”, it does not relate to my profession per se.

What really has gotten me down in such a depressive mood is the housing crisis. I have been offered a decent paying job which made me super excited. But then, the employer wants me to start in a few weeks. I told them that does not give me enough time to look for an apartment. He said I could do virtual for a week but they’re anxious to start getting me going on projects. I haven’t answered back yet because, while I do appreciate how they are giving me a week remote, a few weeks still doesn’t feel like enough time to find a place, which leads me to my last point.

The housing crisis. Even with a salary that is fairly reasonable, I have searched all over the Internet for an apartment that isn’t a shit show under $1400. I cannot find one. If it seems like a decent place with not many negative reviews, it’s way above my price range for rent. And since the employer wants me to stay soon, it really lessens what’s available to move in to.

Overall, I’m just upset. Sorry for the rant.

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