
Would it make my employer feel better knowing I’m crying at home while missing work

This is the psychological effect of capitalism. Had life happened and have to miss work today. Am I crying over the fact that I'm missing work or out of fear of confrontation/write-ups/firing? Probably the latter, but that's still fucked up. This idea of “excused absences” is messed up too. Having a sit down and explaining the reason should be good enough cause not every life reason has a written excuse with it. It's like being in grade school and walking around to different classrooms so each teacher can give their signature. Ludicrous.

This is the psychological effect of capitalism. Had life happened and have to miss work today. Am I crying over the fact that I'm missing work or out of fear of confrontation/write-ups/firing? Probably the latter, but that's still fucked up.

This idea of “excused absences” is messed up too. Having a sit down and explaining the reason should be good enough cause not every life reason has a written excuse with it. It's like being in grade school and walking around to different classrooms so each teacher can give their signature. Ludicrous.

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