
Interviewer tried to gaslight my wife into accepting shit pay for a job she’s overqualified for. It didn’t end the way they were hoping.

My wife works in a very niche part of the medical industry. She's not a nurse or medical staff but a major part of the recruitment and hiring of talent process. She's been stuck in a contract position for nearly a year. She was told she would've been made permanent but since “we decided to move to a other state” they were no longer comfortable making her permanent despite her job being remote and others in the same department living hours away from any of the branches being staffed. She made her case several times for being made permanent but they never would. So she started job hunting. Her first interview was a few weeks ago and the listing was for $25+ an hour “mostly remote”. When she asked what that meant they said she has the option to work off the clock at home if she chose but would…

My wife works in a very niche part of the medical industry. She's not a nurse or medical staff but a major part of the recruitment and hiring of talent process. She's been stuck in a contract position for nearly a year. She was told she would've been made permanent but since “we decided to move to a other state” they were no longer comfortable making her permanent despite her job being remote and others in the same department living hours away from any of the branches being staffed. She made her case several times for being made permanent but they never would. So she started job hunting. Her first interview was a few weeks ago and the listing was for $25+ an hour “mostly remote”. When she asked what that meant they said she has the option to work off the clock at home if she chose but would be required to be in the office everyday. When she asked about the pay they tried to offer her $15 an hour. She said that is significantly lower than her current job and what the posting said. They said that the $25 was only for those with “significant experience” and only after bonuses were taken into account.

My wife obviously declined the position and let them know their practices were dishonest and it's no wonder they can't find anyone to work there. The company tried to gaslight my wife into thinking she was being unreasonable and asking for way too much money. They said “You're never going to get that kind of money here, you just moved to the area so you have no idea. Don't worry, we'll be waiting for your call when you realize how unrealistic you are being.

Well, yesterday she received an offer from that company's direct competition for significantly more than $25 hour. Along with 3 weeks PTO and fully paid medical coverage for her and both me and our child. It's by far the most money she's ever made and is basically the equivalent of her getting a whole extra job making $13 an hour. It's life changing and so exciting.

That first company and the company that left yet hanging for over a year as a contractor can both go Fuck themselves. They lost a hell of an employee and it's entirely their own fault.

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