
No I’m not doing laundry!

So I work at a spa where the boss is too cheap to hire someone to do laundry. Instead my coworkers guilt each other into doing laundry to help each other out. Yeah no. I'm paid commission. You are paid commission. I get paid the same regardless of if I do laundry or not. In fact I actually get paid more if I'm too busy giving massages to do laundry. So now I'm supposed to do laundry because my client didn't show up? I'm supposed to do laundry when it's slow? My friend actually told me that at his spa they actually call the person who doesn't have a lot of clients but sits there doing laundry all day (for free) the laundry bitch. My boss had the nerve to want to give out a reward at the end of the year for the person who helped the most. No,…

So I work at a spa where the boss is too cheap to hire someone to do laundry. Instead my coworkers guilt each other into doing laundry to help each other out. Yeah no. I'm paid commission. You are paid commission. I get paid the same regardless of if I do laundry or not. In fact I actually get paid more if I'm too busy giving massages to do laundry. So now I'm supposed to do laundry because my client didn't show up? I'm supposed to do laundry when it's slow? My friend actually told me that at his spa they actually call the person who doesn't have a lot of clients but sits there doing laundry all day (for free) the laundry bitch. My boss had the nerve to want to give out a reward at the end of the year for the person who helped the most.

No, I don't care how much you talk about me behind my back because you stayed 30 minutes late “helping out” your coworkers. You're a chump. That laundry would have been done regardless. You know why? Because if it's not done then we can't serve customers and capital can't make money. Don't do laundry for free and see how fast someone is paid to do laundry when we start turning away customers.

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