
Here’s my two week notice

Took a mental health day this past weekend due to burnout from well gestures wildly at everything and received the following text: “I understand your need to take time for yourself and hope you feel better. However, we need you for coverage. Please at least try to come in for a half day to assist.” My response: “I understand your need for coverage but have to prioritize myself and listen to my body and mind when it's telling me I'm running myself thin. I've kept this schedule up for months and even mostly worked through when I had covid. I need to take the day. The company should prioritize their employee's health more than numbers.” This led to a Slack call from my boss about my schedule when I logged back in the next day. I asked to be moved to a Mon through Fri schedule and was told that…

Took a mental health day this past weekend due to burnout from well gestures wildly at everything and received the following text:

“I understand your need to take time for yourself and hope you feel better. However, we need you for coverage. Please at least try to come in for a half day to assist.”
My response: “I understand your need for coverage but have to prioritize myself and listen to my body and mind when it's telling me I'm running myself thin. I've kept this schedule up for months and even mostly worked through when I had covid. I need to take the day. The company should prioritize their employee's health more than numbers.”

This led to a Slack call from my boss about my schedule when I logged back in the next day. I asked to be moved to a Mon through Fri schedule and was told that was impossible and I should take a few days to consider my options. So I did. I told them I quit this morning. Fast forward a couple of hours and I get a DM from HR asking if I filed for unemployment. I said I was working on the application but hadn't submitted it and she informed me that I didn't qualify because I voluntarily resigned. No shit Sherlock I told her I wasn't filing because of this job, but trying to see if I was still eligible to file for my last employer and I was at least required to say that I had worked for a period of time since then. She then hits me with the “Two weeks notice is considered the standard for employees, have you even submitted your resignation?” As a matter of fact BARBARA, “I was just working on that now and while it may be expected that employees give notice, companies do not extend the same consideration when they let someone go. So due to personal reasons my effective last day will be today”

Now I worked for a call center and it was understood that I would finish my shift. And I am KILLING IT. I am helping people left and right, connecting them with recruiters, etc. Just really on my shit because I was just so damn happy to be done after this shift………..

I get a Slack message to join a call because my boss noticed my performance trending down. Now we have dashboards that outline and track our engagements for the last 24 hrs so I pull that up because I know this b@!%& is not about to say my performance is lacking. I get on the call and she starts telling me all of the things I have done wrong and halfway through she stops and says I can log off. Now I've prepared a PowerPoint presentation complete with footnotes figuratively so no ma'am we're about to address everything you just said and how none of it is true and here are the receipts. She had no clue what to say. She just kept fumbling for something else to go on and I was like nah it's ok, we both know this was a complete lie and my performance has been stellar. Also the one thing you were correct about me failing to do, I have forgotten to do it every day before now and not once was it brought up as an issue until today. She was so exasperated and it just felt so damn good to call out their bullshit and stand up for myself.

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