
How the 50/30/20 Rule is actually your employers problem.

The rule is about your earnings and spending. Basically living within your means and is used to criticize workers. So what is it? 50% of your income goes to your needs. Rent, food, healthcare, phone, internet, education, health, things that keep you going so you can live and go to work. This is what “Capitalists” claim workers should have, magically. 30% of your income goes to wants and hobbies. Gaming, driving, vacation, friends, family, living life basically. It's important to have for your personal wellness and have fun. Funding your meaning to live. 20% of your income goes to savings and investments. Funds that should be set aside for your retirement, 401k plans, investments and such. You should never touch this money again until you're retiring. So why is it you're bosses problem? If your employer can't pay you enough to follow this rule, they don't deserve to have you…

The rule is about your earnings and spending. Basically living within your means and is used to criticize workers.

So what is it?

50% of your income goes to your needs. Rent, food, healthcare, phone, internet, education, health, things that keep you going so you can live and go to work. This is what “Capitalists” claim workers should have, magically.

30% of your income goes to wants and hobbies. Gaming, driving, vacation, friends, family, living life basically. It's important to have for your personal wellness and have fun. Funding your meaning to live.

20% of your income goes to savings and investments. Funds that should be set aside for your retirement, 401k plans, investments and such. You should never touch this money again until you're retiring.

So why is it you're bosses problem?

If your employer can't pay you enough to follow this rule, they don't deserve to have you as a worker and you shouldn't work for them.

How do you find this number?

Check for 2 bedroom apartments, cost of living regarding food, healthcare, internet/ cable plans, mobile phone plans, everything you need to basically live with privacy. For this example, let's say rent will cost you 1,500, food is 300, healthcare is 200, everything else from internet to your car is another 500.

That's $2,500 a month. That should be 50% of your income. This means you're monthly income should be $5,000 for full time work. That is the minimum you should go. Period. If cost of living goes up, you need to hound your boss about it. 160 hours a month. That's $31.50 an hour.

This number would put you at a living wage. If that's how much your living expenses are. You can see why companies would want to pay for a full time employee instead of a part time.

But your employer will only hire part time?

Because part time makes out difficult to get 40 hours and you have to deal with the stress and unreliability of working multiple different jobs, you need to have a cost buffer. Meaning you might only get 20 hours a week. That means part time your pay should be $63.00 per hour.

What do you do with this information?

Have it ready to show your boss or whoever's interviewing you. Because that's what you and everyone around you needs to demand. If your company doesn't like it, they need to talk to renters and insurance companies to lower the cost of living.

Also have your companies profits last year. Company's are reporting record profits year after year. They can afford to pay you. The people who are getting rich off your labor are people who aren't doing the work.

There's a long history of company's working together to pay workers less and less. The only option is for workers to either unionize or work together. We want to live in a move society, that means we need people to get paid well enough to afford that. If your business isn't going to pay you a fair wage, they don't deserve to stay in business.

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