
Offered a job, but they can’t communicate. Thoughts?

I just moved for my husband's job. I was placed on leave by my previous employer, in the hopes I would be picked up by the location that is near our new home. (This keeps me in the system, instead of having to completely reapply. Saves time and helps with finding a new psoition.) I have been in contact with the new location and was offered a position this week. Since the first time I reached out to them to let them know I was going to be moving to the area, they have been horrible at communicating. It took them two weeks to respond to my original email and all it said was the was to submit some paperwork. It made it sound like it was more of a burden than anything to have me transfer. The next time I heard from them was asking if I was still…

I just moved for my husband's job. I was placed on leave by my previous employer, in the hopes I would be picked up by the location that is near our new home. (This keeps me in the system, instead of having to completely reapply. Saves time and helps with finding a new psoition.) I have been in contact with the new location and was offered a position this week.

Since the first time I reached out to them to let them know I was going to be moving to the area, they have been horrible at communicating. It took them two weeks to respond to my original email and all it said was the was to submit some paperwork. It made it sound like it was more of a burden than anything to have me transfer. The next time I heard from them was asking if I was still interested in a position. I responded that yes I am and that I submitted an application. All I got back was silence from them.

They have two open positions that I qualify for, one of which I would prefer over the other. (I'll call my prefered position “A” and the other position “B”.) I recieved an offer for position B. I reached out again to find out if I was only be considered for position B or if it was possible I would also be considered for position A. I didn't want to accept the one offer just to have it hurt my chances of the other position.

The manager emailed me back with “The [position A] is in the reviewing process at the moment. You have applied and have been selected for the [position B].” I just replied saying that I applied for both positions. I haven't heard back yet.

I have to respond to the offer by tonight. I am having reservations though. There were a lot of communication issues with higher management at my previous job. There was also some obvious favoritism going on too. I just can't help but have a bad taste in my mouth about this place. I need a job, but I don't know if I want to sacrifice my sanity.

What do you guys think? Do I take the job and keep looking for something else? Or do I pass on this position?

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