
Are there any resources i could show my parents that im not just goddamn lazy/not “driven”?

Male, in my early twenties. Parents are give or take early and late 50's. I dont live off of my parents, none of that. But the topic of affording stuff comes up very often to the point where im simply given the easier said than done suggestion of “why not just get a better job so you dont have to work so much?” I already work three jobs, pay is low. Hours are long. I have just about no free time any more. Gas is expensive, food is expensive, LIVING is expensive. Its not good enough to say “well if i was this age, but living in the year you grew up in, id be doing very well for myself.” because you know how it is. They worked some goofy job, managed to buy a car, a house, start a family off of a low-mid range level job. Its not…

Male, in my early twenties. Parents are give or take early and late 50's.
I dont live off of my parents, none of that. But the topic of affording stuff comes up very often to the point where im simply given the easier said than done suggestion of “why not just get a better job so you dont have to work so much?”
I already work three jobs, pay is low. Hours are long. I have just about no free time any more. Gas is expensive, food is expensive, LIVING is expensive.

Its not good enough to say “well if i was this age, but living in the year you grew up in, id be doing very well for myself.” because you know how it is. They worked some goofy job, managed to buy a car, a house, start a family off of a low-mid range level job.

Its not good enough to explain i can't afford college and i will NOT take a loan. Yes, i need my car. Yes, i need my phone. Yes, i need the internet- its not just for playing games or whatever.

Rent alone is nearing $2,000 a month, not to even mention other things i have to buy.

I've already cut down from my teen years of splurging on buying that cool new game, i dont really eat out unless i feel like its the smart thing to do in a given situation. (I.E. instead of spending 30 minutes/30 ish miles [about one gallon of gas] driving all the way home from work, then still have to drive to my next job or something, i might go get a $10 meal at McD or something.)

I would love to just show this sub to them, but part of me finds it a bit cringy to do so. While the message being portrayed here is very real, sometimes the content can genuinely come off a bit clown-ish. And that comes from someone who agrees with most stuff said here

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