
Update: You can make as much as you want, as long as you give up your personal life.

Long story short, when I realized that corporate didn't give a single fuck about showing appreciation by increasing my salary, I went and interviewed with a different company. They wanted me, they gave me an offer that was immediately 20% more than what I'm currently making, and there are bonuses on top of that. I accepted the offer today. In less than a month I will be on my way with a new company, less stress, significantly better pay, and much more free time to spend with the wife and our soon to be 21 year old son. I feel bad that I'm leaving a team that I've grown to love. If I could take them with me, I would without hesitation. But I need to do this and I know I'll be happier.

Long story short, when I realized that corporate didn't give a single fuck about showing appreciation by increasing my salary, I went and interviewed with a different company. They wanted me, they gave me an offer that was immediately 20% more than what I'm currently making, and there are bonuses on top of that. I accepted the offer today.

In less than a month I will be on my way with a new company, less stress, significantly better pay, and much more free time to spend with the wife and our soon to be 21 year old son. I feel bad that I'm leaving a team that I've grown to love. If I could take them with me, I would without hesitation. But I need to do this and I know I'll be happier.

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