
I Need some advice please good people.

I had to call in sick yesterday to work due to severe food poisoning. I texted my supervisors and they said it was fine but today when I got to work still not fully recovered. My manager tried to pull me in his office and write me up. I have generalized anxiety disorder and when ever I'm in his office I dissociate to a point where I'm extremely uncomfortable and can't defend myself. I refused and told him i dont feel safe in his office and that he can send what he needs to say to my email. He then said that, thats not how they discipline people and if I don't go to his office then I'm no longer allowed in the warehouse until I go into his office and let him punish me. I obviously left because I really didn't want to have a panic attack while already…

I had to call in sick yesterday to work due to severe food poisoning. I texted my supervisors and they said it was fine but today when I got to work still not fully recovered. My manager tried to pull me in his office and write me up. I have generalized anxiety disorder and when ever I'm in his office I dissociate to a point where I'm extremely uncomfortable and can't defend myself. I refused and told him i dont feel safe in his office and that he can send what he needs to say to my email. He then said that, thats not how they discipline people and if I don't go to his office then I'm no longer allowed in the warehouse until I go into his office and let him punish me. I obviously left because I really didn't want to have a panic attack while already feeling sick. Does anyone know how I should proceed with this. The supervisors won't give me the number for HR. I'm in my mid 30s and this guy treats me like a child.

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