
I’m sick of employers hiding the fact they do random drug testing.

As a productive stoner I'm sick of how alot of employers hide the fact they do random drug testing. Drug testing for employees is to invasive and is a huge wast of money and time. I've seen soooooo many fucking alcoholics pass a drug test but yet you smoke a little bud all of a sudden you are a danger to the work place. Never mind good old alcohol joe is drinking on the fucking job every day and doesn't get in trouble because he can pass a fucking drug test. IM SICK OF THE BS. I'm at the point where I'll never take a job that drug test me. It's doesn't proof anything and all it does is create a huge distrust at work. Fuck the system if a politician doesn't get drug tested why should I.

As a productive stoner I'm sick of how alot of employers hide the fact they do random drug testing. Drug testing for employees is to invasive and is a huge wast of money and time. I've seen soooooo many fucking alcoholics pass a drug test but yet you smoke a little bud all of a sudden you are a danger to the work place. Never mind good old alcohol joe is drinking on the fucking job every day and doesn't get in trouble because he can pass a fucking drug test. IM SICK OF THE BS. I'm at the point where I'll never take a job that drug test me. It's doesn't proof anything and all it does is create a huge distrust at work. Fuck the system if a politician doesn't get drug tested why should I.

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