
This is Getting Out of Hand

Sorry no TLDR because this is INSANE! I interviewed for a receptionist position at a clinic near Denver, CO. It was for a simple desk job and they were offering $18/hour. I thought, why not! I have 6 years experience in general medical, urgent care, departmental medical, speciality, and behavioral reception/financial services/ and I'm an ex billing manager. I have my Bachelors in Criminology. Thought I was going to go into something with that but didn't but I could use it in the medical and care management settings. So, lots of great experience! Pay was little so I countered. They said after the 90 day period I would get a raise of $20/ hour. Sure fine, fair I GUESS. So I took the $18/ hour and saw the boost agreement in the offer letter. Cool! HOWEVER, I saw in the letter “Float Pool Receptionist”. Um, not what I applied for.…

Sorry no TLDR because this is INSANE!

I interviewed for a receptionist position at a clinic near Denver, CO. It was for a simple desk job and they were offering $18/hour. I thought, why not! I have 6 years experience in general medical, urgent care, departmental medical, speciality, and behavioral reception/financial services/ and I'm an ex billing manager. I have my Bachelors in Criminology. Thought I was going to go into something with that but didn't but I could use it in the medical and care management settings. So, lots of great experience!

Pay was little so I countered. They said after the 90 day period I would get a raise of $20/ hour. Sure fine, fair I GUESS. So I took the $18/ hour and saw the boost agreement in the offer letter. Cool!

HOWEVER, I saw in the letter “Float Pool Receptionist”. Um, not what I applied for. So, I asked HR. They said it was a “place holder position until the permanent position was available, which was in about 60-90 days.” Mmk, weird but that's fine as long as I'm not actually going to float anywhere.

I didn't and found a cute little desk within the department that I was going to be apart of permanently.

The training was laughable!! Luckily with my experience and already knowledge of their EHR system, they decided I didn't need their absurd training seminars. I wanted to fix their training so badly…

Anyway, within the first week I was pulled from training and answering calls, with luckily their protocols handy, but able to manage just fine.

I realized my position one evening.. I could make a change at this medical center. They fired a lot of management and replaced with actually supportive managers, their turnover rates are horrid tho, but, I have a shot at taking over this place and start a possible revolution. So with that sudden spark of motivation (plus seeing shit here on reddit everyday) I going to fight for change. So, I worked my ASS OFF to prove my skillset was worth their time. I asked management about becoming a trainer and how I could move up. During my 3rd week of employment they wanted me to shadow their procedure scheduling position.

That department is in SHAMBLES people. The person before me didn't do shit, billing and precert team is over worked, the nurses are helping receptionists schedule with absolutely no knowledge of any billing aspects…it's a MESS. Now, it's not out of my range of expertise and honestly I fixed up a family medical practice, TWICE, and tried my best to help a billing Manager but the owner was doing sketchy shit so I noped out of that. But anyway, I had confidence I could do this and clean this up. I knew the perfect workflow, showed nurses tricks and receptionist tricks on their EHR system. I impressed the hell out of the Dr's and RNs to the point of being offer of not only their procedure scheduler but their precert liaison. I was excited and wanted to take on the challenge for sure!

So, i got the offer letter yesterday. A 36 cent raise…. and they too the 90 day boost (20/hr) away!!!?!

My coworkers, who have been struggling to fix this mess, also thought that was the most absurd offer letter that the company has ever given out!

I replied back before I left the office, now Im the middle of regretting yet not regretting my response that went a little like this:

“Hey name of HR person,

Did my manager tell you I countered your offer letter? Here are the reasons why I'm request a minimum of $20/hour :

I spit out links, facts, percents of increasing prices, percent of their turn over rates, explained the current position of the department and what ill have to do to accomplish this mess, and then asked them to review my resume again as my experience could land me a position near Denver for at least $25/hour.

At the end I said I'm willing to work with them as I understand I'm new and would take $20/hour for the next 90 days to prove my skill set but then expect a $3-$5 boost there after.”

My husband doesn't think I was out of my means for asking this. Idk… I'm tried and ready for change. WE DESERVE TO LIVE DAMN IT!!!

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