
Managers keep coming up with new threats for write ups.

Title is pretty self explanatory, but basically these past two weeks she’s been coming up with all of these new reasons to write us up. If the bathrooms aren’t clean enough, if we were late to a meeting (keep in mind this is retail store.) I’m fairly sure none of these are in the handbook, just made up on a whim. Just kinda annoyed because I don’t hate this job, it can be fun sometimes. But lately they’ve been making changes for the worse.

Title is pretty self explanatory, but basically these past two weeks she’s been coming up with all of these new reasons to write us up. If the bathrooms aren’t clean enough, if we were late to a meeting (keep in mind this is retail store.)
I’m fairly sure none of these are in the handbook, just made up on a whim.

Just kinda annoyed because I don’t hate this job, it can be fun sometimes. But lately they’ve been making changes for the worse.

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