
“verbal counseling” and fired less than a week later

So like it states, I received a “verbal counseling” regarding a facebook post i made. after reading over our policy, my “verbal,” and my facebook post, i found it hard to see how i violated the company policy. Moreover, the corrective action my supervisor listed, is telling me i cant make ANY post, when our own policy says they prefer we dont, but if we do, do a,b,c,etc. As you can see from the verbal, it wasnt the first post I had made. Itd actually be the third time I was actually talked to about post. First one, i dont even remember, but supervisor had a fit, came and talked to me, and i removed it because it did violate the policy, but no further action came from it. The second time, i made a post that i also made sure followed our policy, because after the first, i made…

So like it states, I received a “verbal counseling” regarding a facebook post i made. after reading over our policy, my “verbal,” and my facebook post, i found it hard to see how i violated the company policy. Moreover, the corrective action my supervisor listed, is telling me i cant make ANY post, when our own policy says they prefer we dont, but if we do, do a,b,c,etc.

As you can see from the verbal, it wasnt the first post I had made. Itd actually be the third time I was actually talked to about post. First one, i dont even remember, but supervisor had a fit, came and talked to me, and i removed it because it did violate the policy, but no further action came from it. The second time, i made a post that i also made sure followed our policy, because after the first, i made sure they couldnt use it against me. My supervisor didnt talk to me about that one, but the main plant boss did. It was a post pointing out how I felt the company didnt take safety as a priority. (picture with yellow ring gear) Around this point, my supervisor was aware I was intending to go to interviews at a different company. During the talk with the plant boss, I ended up with a significant raise, and he asked, as a favor, if i would delete the post I had made. $2,000 raise made me agree to that.

(would also like to point out, we use a 5 ton overhead crane to move our parts around. the brakes on the crane went out, and instead of taking the crane out of service, they replaced the brakes with ones intended for a different unit. crane would work, SOMETIMES. down worked, north south east west worked. but up, oh boy, itd work sometimes for 2 seconds and stop. sometimes for 30 and stop, and sometimes not at all. imagine accidentally setting something on your foot, and the one piece of equipment you can use to get it off your foot, wouldnt work. but i was told i held animosity told safety guy. safety third!

Was it wrong of me, after getting my write up, to feel like my supervisor could make up and enforce or interpret policies as he wished?Supervisor has been aware of leads, and others, chewing in the shop, even though we have a no tobacco policy. Enforce one policy, but not another. The supervisors respone, when read against the policy, made it very uncomfortable for me to approach anyone higher than me. HR ignored my email, plant boss ignored it, my lead ignored it, and my supervisor ignored it. How was I to feel like I could approach anybody?

So the verbal happened 2/23, first email sent that night, no response from email. second email sent friday 2/25, also no reply. fired 3/2 for insubordination for not hitting 8 hours of overtime. managed to hit 47 out of 48, other guys were getting sent home because of no work available. The system of supervisors informing us of overtime hours is word of mouth. he tells one guy and would expect the word to spread. I was the only one fired, even though i wasnt the only one to not hit my 48.

I did apply for unemployment, and got an email stating

” Mail Date: 03/18/2022 We have completed a review and investigation of your claim for unemployment benefits referenced above. We have determined that you were discharged from your job on 03/01/2022. The evidence presented does not support a finding of misconduct in connection with the work. No disqualification is assessed on this separation. The employer, STANDARD IRON INC (EAN: 0303015007) is chargeable for benefits based on wages paid for this employment. “

Small win for me i feel. But maybe i'm wrong? Just wanted to share.

also attached are pictures of the weekend shifts work, that was approved to get painted and sent to the customer (Trane air handling frame)

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