
15 hours notice on my shift

Title gives you most of what you need, it's been chaotic and inconsistent recently but never quite this bad, last time was like Saturday morning which is still uncool but at least sorta close to 24 hours notice. I'm being really generous here we're supposed to get next week's schedule (sunday-saturday) the Wednesday before but we haven't had that in months. Thinking of not showing up tomorrow since clearly they don't respect my time why would I respect theirs?

Title gives you most of what you need, it's been chaotic and inconsistent recently but never quite this bad, last time was like Saturday morning which is still uncool but at least sorta close to 24 hours notice. I'm being really generous here we're supposed to get next week's schedule (sunday-saturday) the Wednesday before but we haven't had that in months. Thinking of not showing up tomorrow since clearly they don't respect my time why would I respect theirs?

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