
Just want to know if I’m in the right or wrong

So pretty much I work as a server with this company for about 7 month now. Anyways i booked next Saturday off for an important dinner I have but this morning I realized the dinner is today not next week, I called in and asked if I can have the day off at around 11 am (im scheduled to be on at 5 pm.) I spoke to one manager and he told me it shouldn’t be a problem but they will give me a call back at 2 to confirm. I didn’t receive a call and called in again at 2 and spoke to another manager who said yea no problem but let us check with another manager and call u back at 4 o’clock to confirm. I let them know I need to leave my house by 3:40 if I have to come in so if they can give…

So pretty much I work as a server with this company for about 7 month now. Anyways i booked next Saturday off for an important dinner I have but this morning I realized the dinner is today not next week, I called in and asked if I can have the day off at around 11 am (im scheduled to be on at 5 pm.) I spoke to one manager and he told me it shouldn’t be a problem but they will give me a call back at 2 to confirm. I didn’t receive a call and called in again at 2 and spoke to another manager who said yea no problem but let us check with another manager and call u back at 4 o’clock to confirm. I let them know I need to leave my house by 3:40 if I have to come in so if they can give me a yes or no by then it would be ideal. They said No problem they would do that, comes 4 o’clock and I still haven’t received a call back so I tried phoning the 3 managers and the restaurant and no one picked up so I assumed they don’t need me for the night, comes 4:45 pm, 15 minutes before my shift and I receive a text saying oh yea we need you to come in that’s why we didn’t call u back. I respectfully said that I needed a final answer by 3:40 pm like we agreed and I assumed you wouldn’t need me because of the lack of communication and that I have already committed to my other plans.

Note that they give me an hour notice when they decide they don’t want me coming in to my shift if they’re slow and it’s usually when I’m already on the bus on the way to work. They set a meeting between me and the GM on Monday to discuss my “no show”

I just want to know if I acted correctly in that situation or was I in the wrong and what would you have recommended that I do in my situation. I feel like I did my part by giving a 6 hour notice and trying to reach out to 3 managers who kept throwing me to each other because of lack of communication on their part

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