
I just quit my horrible job

I feel sooooo good about it. I’m a college student, work 2 part time jobs (one for the university and one at a fast food restaurant). I just texted the owner of the restaurant that I quit and I won’t be showing up to work anymore. I kept it simple and cordial but I fucking hated that place, I wasn’t respected or treated like a human being. So here are my infuriating reasons for quitting!!! When I was hired I was told I would be making around $18/hour with tip. Little did I know that the owners take a portion of the tip total and another part of the tip total is used to pay for credit card fees, so I only keep around 10%. And the base pay is $10/hour if I work less than 15 hours, and $11/hour if I work more than 15 hours. So I make…

I feel sooooo good about it. I’m a college student, work 2 part time jobs (one for the university and one at a fast food restaurant). I just texted the owner of the restaurant that I quit and I won’t be showing up to work anymore. I kept it simple and cordial but I fucking hated that place, I wasn’t respected or treated like a human being. So here are my infuriating reasons for quitting!!!

When I was hired I was told I would be making around $18/hour with tip. Little did I know that the owners take a portion of the tip total and another part of the tip total is used to pay for credit card fees, so I only keep around 10%. And the base pay is $10/hour if I work less than 15 hours, and $11/hour if I work more than 15 hours. So I make $12/hour most weeks with tip. I also live in Austin TX. So yeah. That much barely covers my utility bills. When my (ex) coworker brought up the tip thing the owner told him if he didn’t like it then he could quit. He did. That was 6 months ago. Since then we have had 3 workers total, and a constant flow of people coming in and quitting after a few weeks. The hours are incredibly inconsistent, sometimes I’ll get a text to close 3 hours early or just half an hour before my shift to not show up. I have trained probably 10 people and none of them have stayed. I don’t get paid extra to train people. I usually work alone or with a trainee, henceforth I do ALL the work (cashier, cooking, serving, cleaning). I’ve been there for 8 months, have received none of my signing bonuses, nor any raises. The last straw was I had to work the day after my birthday. My dog died that day. On my birthday. I was going through it. On top of that I had 2 midterms and 6 lab reports due that Friday. I asked for the day off and explained the situation. I was told no I had to show up because literally there was no one else who could work, and no I couldn’t leave early, and I had to train a new girl. I’m never late, never miss a shift, pick up shifts when needed. Basically it was made incredibly clear that no shits were given about me or my well-being, and I realized I was being used and strung along. So fuck that place, I’ll find a new job somewhere else that pays me what I’m worth and has enough employees to be self sufficient in case I can’t show up.

TLDR- Quit my job because they were untruthful and sketchy about tips and signing bonus and overall pay, overwork me (I am one of three total employees), and ultimately treated me like shit and made a hard time ever more difficult.

Also how the fuck is min wage in texas $7.25, making $10-$12 an hour working 20ish hours a week can’t pay bills for jack shit

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