
Question: Why is 8 hours in one day considered standard?

Have you unironically ever just started doing something for 8 hours straight? I can't stomach playing a video game for more than a few hours, and that's supposed to be a fun activity people do to wind down. Yet, people are doing hard work for much much longer than that on a daily basis. If you played a video game for 8 hours straight, it would be considered a marathon or some kind of challenge. If you did absolutely anything in your life for 8 hours straight, 5 days a week, you'd probably be considered severely addicted to that activity/thing. Why in god's name is doing hard work for literally 8 hours straight not considered some kind of challenge or marathon? And better yet, why is it considered standard to do this for 5/7 of the days you live on earth?? No wonder the country has a mental health crisis;…

Have you unironically ever just started doing something for 8 hours straight?

I can't stomach playing a video game for more than a few hours, and that's supposed to be a fun activity people do to wind down. Yet, people are doing hard work for much much longer than that on a daily basis. If you played a video game for 8 hours straight, it would be considered a marathon or some kind of challenge.

If you did absolutely anything in your life for 8 hours straight, 5 days a week, you'd probably be considered severely addicted to that activity/thing.

Why in god's name is doing hard work for literally 8 hours straight not considered some kind of challenge or marathon? And better yet, why is it considered standard to do this for 5/7 of the days you live on earth??

No wonder the country has a mental health crisis; your options are either die or commit to an 8 hour marathon of hard work every single day and even then so, the majority of people won't even be rewarded with any cash to spend after they buy necessities. Hell, some people won't even be rewarded with heat or food with the price of rent these days.

And, reminder Jeff Bezos makes ~$3,000 every second. By the time you finished reading this, Jeff Bezos probably made enough money to cancel your debt and set you work-free for your entire life.

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