
Those of you in the age range of 25 – 30, have you begun saving for retirement yet and if so how much do you have?

I'm curious on that specific age range because it's after typical college age and before your 30s when you're typically supposed to have an established career rolling. I personally am going to be 27 this year and I only have like 5 or 6 thousand in my work 401K. I have several more thousand in my checking account but I eat out and smoke so much weed that I spend almost just as much as I make lol. I also have 3k in the stock market so total net worth of like 13 or 14k between everything? Definitely not on track to retire but I only earn 18/hr

I'm curious on that specific age range because it's after typical college age and before your 30s when you're typically supposed to have an established career rolling.

I personally am going to be 27 this year and I only have like 5 or 6 thousand in my work 401K. I have several more thousand in my checking account but I eat out and smoke so much weed that I spend almost just as much as I make lol. I also have 3k in the stock market so total net worth of like 13 or 14k between everything? Definitely not on track to retire but I only earn 18/hr

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