
Still haven’t been paid for my last day of work

I worked at a Red Robin’s for a few weeks as a server and food runner. After a few weeks of making shit pay and working myself to the bone I got a different job and didn’t show up for my last day of work. I still haven’t received my tip out from the last day I worked as they required us to receive it in cash. What are my options? (For reference it’s been about 3-4 months and I live in Illinois)

I worked at a Red Robin’s for a few weeks as a server and food runner. After a few weeks of making shit pay and working myself to the bone I got a different job and didn’t show up for my last day of work. I still haven’t received my tip out from the last day I worked as they required us to receive it in cash. What are my options? (For reference it’s been about 3-4 months and I live in Illinois)

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