
Just applied and now I’m panicking/rant

Hi, been a lurker here for some time, thought since I might be potentially working again, I thought I would finally post something. For context, I am a 35 years old guy, been out of work since the start of the pandemic, former waiter making 14 hr plus tips, living with my dad to help save money who once said “it doesn't matter if they pay 8 dollars an hour, you just got to work!”, burn out. All the jobs I have seen in my area are either paying to low or I just don't have the credentials despite being a college grad. I finally bit the bullet and applied for a stocker position at a big chain warehouse and just today got a message saying they want to schedule an interview, and panic immediately set in. Now for the record I've had warehouse and warehouse-like jobs in the past…

Hi, been a lurker here for some time, thought since I might be potentially working again, I thought I would finally post something. For context, I am a 35 years old guy, been out of work since the start of the pandemic, former waiter making 14 hr plus tips, living with my dad to help save money who once said “it doesn't matter if they pay 8 dollars an hour, you just got to work!”, burn out. All the jobs I have seen in my area are either paying to low or I just don't have the credentials despite being a college grad. I finally bit the bullet and applied for a stocker position at a big chain warehouse and just today got a message saying they want to schedule an interview, and panic immediately set in.

Now for the record I've had warehouse and warehouse-like jobs in the past so I know what's coming; long hours in a stuffy box like building, baking in the heat of the summer and cold in the winter, guaranteed damage to my body that will start to hurt after a few weeks, beautiful days trapped inside so I can help stock or shift something out so a materialistic snob can get their capitalistic, consumerism crap. Always worrying what a manger is coming up to me for; either something I've done wrong, not fast enough or the always favorite “here's more work” all for the payment of 23$ per hour, but you just know they're gonna try and offer me less. I hate it, I don't want this job, I know I can do better but no one takes a chance and train anybody these days, money is starting to run low so I know I have to do something eventually but damnit why this; oh yeah, health insurance that won't cover big stuff anyway. I just want to do something meaningful and not waste my life, is that really to much to ask? Hell, might not even get the job cause I smoke the oh so dangerous, life ruining weed every now and then.

The only thing that I have going for me right now is that I am working on getting Irish citizenship, just something to look forward to right now, don't know what my plans are after I get it, but something about it gives me hope for the future. Sorry for the tl,dr, just had to vent and hopefully get advice. Thank you.

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