
You made it into the (online edition of the) highest-circulating weekly newspaper in Germany

“But now Internet forums like the subreddit “Antiwork” are enjoying growing popularity. The motto of the forum is: “Unemployment for everyone, not just for the rich”. In October, 180,000 users were registered there, today there are over 1.8 million. In their contributions, participants often report exploitative and unfair superiors. For example, the person who calls himself ChknShtOutfit, who was given a pizza as a reward for weeks of overtime and extra work. Or the waitress who describes how the restaurant manager promotes the only man on the team who has only been there a few weeks, instead of one of the twelve long-standing female employees. Pay still plays the biggest role in layoffs. But feelings of lack of advancement and being treated poorly are almost as important, a Pew Research Center survey found.” Link to the article

“But now Internet forums like the subreddit “Antiwork” are enjoying growing popularity. The motto of the forum is: “Unemployment for everyone, not just for the rich”. In October, 180,000 users were registered there, today there are over 1.8 million.

In their contributions, participants often report exploitative and unfair superiors. For example, the person who calls himself ChknShtOutfit, who was given a pizza as a reward for weeks of overtime and extra work. Or the waitress who describes how the restaurant manager promotes the only man on the team who has only been there a few weeks, instead of one of the twelve long-standing female employees. Pay still plays the biggest role in layoffs. But feelings of lack of advancement and being treated poorly are almost as important, a Pew Research Center survey found.”

Link to the article

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