
I’m not paid to be reachable all the time

I'm writing this here because my friends are pretty fucking bootlicky and I can't think of a single one who will be sympathetic to me if I discuss this with them. My boss rescheduled a meeting we were due to have on Friday for this morning instead. That's ok in itself, but she did this at 7 in the morning yesterday, Sunday and of course the notification of the change went to my work phone. I didn't see it, and I saw her in person this morning before I saw it on my work phone. She told me she had rescheduled and seemed kind of annoyed that I hadn't seen the notification. It didn't even matter, because she saw me before the new scheduled time, but I had made plans for that morning (plans I made last Friday, before she changed it) that I now have to work around. But…

I'm writing this here because my friends are pretty fucking bootlicky and I can't think of a single one who will be sympathetic to me if I discuss this with them.

My boss rescheduled a meeting we were due to have on Friday for this morning instead. That's ok in itself, but she did this at 7 in the morning yesterday, Sunday and of course the notification of the change went to my work phone. I didn't see it, and I saw her in person this morning before I saw it on my work phone. She told me she had rescheduled and seemed kind of annoyed that I hadn't seen the notification. It didn't even matter, because she saw me before the new scheduled time, but I had made plans for that morning (plans I made last Friday, before she changed it) that I now have to work around. But I'm mostly annoyed that she's annoyed I didn't see it. I explained that it goes to my work phone and I don't check it before work. She says I should be. I don't think that's appropriate. Before work I'm driving to work. Before that I'm getting ready for work, and before that I'm asleep. Besides, I usually leave the work phone on charge at work. Especially over the weekend.

1) If you make changes to plans outside of work hours, don't be annoyed that I don't know about them until I start work for the day! And not immediately, checking my phone is not the first thing I do when I get here. Honestly it's like being annoyed an office worker hasn't checked their emails over the weekend.

2) I do other things outside of work hours, on my way to work, and on my home that are directly related to my work duties. But I do that because I choose to, and I choose how much of my personal time I spend on work, and when and for what tasks. I saw a notification on my work phone before going to bed last night. I purposely chose not to read it or engage with it on my own time, because I don't want to start ruminating on the workday ahead when I go to sleep at night. It's not good for my mental health and it disrupts my sleep.

3)You have my personal number, if something suddenly comes up or is urgent, text that. It is on you to cross that boundary into my personal time on my personal device, and feel the discomfort that results. It is not on me to check if you need something on my personal time.

I know if I went to any of my friends for sympathy about this they would tell me to suck it up and check my work phone more. But I'm not on a salary, and I'm not paid the kind of wages that entitle them to my time off the clock. I need to put in boundaries or I'll get burnt out, and it infuriates me that my boss acts like that's unreasonable or unprofessional. Fuck that, it's my time!

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