
Steal what you can from work!

Tldr: Be a thief, it's fine I work for a smaller manufacturing company, and for the last year I've been stealing as much as possible. I have a whole cabinet in my garage filled with zip ties, batteries, brushes, sandpaper, scotch and other stuff. Also tools, office supplies, toilet paper, clothes, milk and expensive chemicals like corrosion inhibitors and industrial adhesives are regularly taken home. The best part is I'm responsible for ordering most of this shit and my boss signes every order without hesitation. I then make the stuff disappear without any questions. Also, I love to pretend to be the salty bitch that complains when stuff disappears: “Where's that expensive pneumatic drill I bought last week?!” Basically, my message is: steal as much as you can from the rich ducks. It's not like they care about you

Tldr: Be a thief, it's fine

I work for a smaller manufacturing company, and for the last year I've been stealing as much as possible. I have a whole cabinet in my garage filled with zip ties, batteries, brushes, sandpaper, scotch and other stuff. Also tools, office supplies, toilet paper, clothes, milk and expensive chemicals like corrosion inhibitors and industrial adhesives are regularly taken home.

The best part is I'm responsible for ordering most of this shit and my boss signes every order without hesitation. I then make the stuff disappear without any questions. Also, I love to pretend to be the salty bitch that complains when stuff disappears: “Where's that expensive pneumatic drill I bought last week?!”

Basically, my message is: steal as much as you can from the rich ducks. It's not like they care about you

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