
I’m feeling anti work on another level today, words of encouragement?

I woke up this morning feeling very anti work. I’ve been at a defense contractor position for almost 3 years and I woke up this morning thinking that an ethical decision would be to quit today on the spot. Yay or nay? Money isn’t an issue and everyone is amazing at my current job – I just can’t mentally handle the 40% attrition rate that we’ve had in the past year. Maybe it’s time to swap careers and become a plumber…

I woke up this morning feeling very anti work. I’ve been at a defense contractor position for almost 3 years and I woke up this morning thinking that an ethical decision would be to quit today on the spot. Yay or nay? Money isn’t an issue and everyone is amazing at my current job – I just can’t mentally handle the 40% attrition rate that we’ve had in the past year. Maybe it’s time to swap careers and become a plumber…

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