
I hope you all got to enjoy remote work. Never forget what they took from us when it goes away.

I already went through this after the end of the dot com bubble, I was working remotely from 1999-2001. Then I worked remotely again in the Obama years. It seems that whenever the economy is doing good enough in a tech niche that they cant find enough suckers to go into the office, they turn to remote work. But somehow even though we generate record profits the desire to be a controlling psychopath and watch people suffer, triumphs even over greed. So the remote periods are always temporary till the economy takes a shit again and the wagies fight for the right to go to the cagies.

I already went through this after the end of the dot com bubble, I was working remotely from 1999-2001. Then I worked remotely again in the Obama years. It seems that whenever the economy is doing good enough in a tech niche that they cant find enough suckers to go into the office, they turn to remote work. But somehow even though we generate record profits the desire to be a controlling psychopath and watch people suffer, triumphs even over greed. So the remote periods are always temporary till the economy takes a shit again and the wagies fight for the right to go to the cagies.

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