
Team building and Socializing

Team building/Socializing should be for juveniles I think. When you have grown ups on a job let them build rapport and friendships organically. I'll never understand why this managers feels its ok to fake force people to socialize in the name of team building. You clearly see that coworkers are tolerating each other and don't want to be forced to be friends because they work at the same place. Some people like to make friends with genuine people and build genuine connections and some would rather fake it and stab you behind at every chance they get. They need to stop subtly forcing people to bond on a job!! What's your take??

Team building/Socializing should be for juveniles I think. When you have grown ups on a job let them build rapport and friendships organically.

I'll never understand why this managers feels its ok to fake force people to socialize in the name of team building. You clearly see that coworkers are tolerating each other and don't want to be forced to be friends because they work at the same place.

Some people like to make friends with genuine people and build genuine connections and some would rather fake it and stab you behind at every chance they get.

They need to stop subtly forcing people to bond on a job!!

What's your take??

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