
Employment Caste System

Long time lurker here. Though I'm not really antiwork, I am strongly for promoting human dignity. Reading through the posts of the last several months has really changed my perspective on work. Not so much my own, but what others do and the spectrum of benefits different jobs provide, i.e. (pay, insurance, pto, etc.). It seems like these spectrums fit into two castes. One that provides dignity and one that does not. The castes are separated not only by pay, insurance and PTO, but also respect. An chasm separates these two castes. While there is some movement between the two, it is rare. I wrote about it on Medium just to get my thoughts down and I'd like to hear from /r/antiwork. Do we have an employment caste system? If so, how would you define it? My oversimplified definitions are as follows. Upper caste provides: Safety, security and respect combined…

Long time lurker here. Though I'm not really antiwork, I am strongly for promoting human dignity. Reading through the posts of the last several months has really changed my perspective on work. Not so much my own, but what others do and the spectrum of benefits different jobs provide, i.e. (pay, insurance, pto, etc.). It seems like these spectrums fit into two castes. One that provides dignity and one that does not.

The castes are separated not only by pay, insurance and PTO, but also respect.

An chasm separates these two castes. While there is some movement between the two, it is rare. I wrote about it on Medium just to get my thoughts down and I'd like to hear from /r/antiwork. Do we have an employment caste system? If so, how would you define it? My oversimplified definitions are as follows.

Upper caste provides: Safety, security and respect combined with resources to improve workers lives.

Lower caste provides: Subsistence, stress and seeks to keep workers helpless.

Do these castes exist? If so, how would you define them? What type of jobs would you put in each one?

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