
Left work for a break, never came back, felt free and happier immediately

This was several years ago. I was in between jobs and went to a temp agency, which placed me in a mailroom. This job was awful. Not only were the supervisors complete jerks and needlessly aggressive and authoritarian, but the work was beyond mindless (taking stacks of junk mail and placing it in a box, to which I thought, why not just let the mail fall out of the chute into the box instead of having a person do it?) and everyone I worked with was nasty and belligerent. After a month or so I received an offer email for a far better office job which I immediately accepted. I received a start date for the following week. I figured I could tough out the hostility in the mail room but, after getting snapped at by the supervisor, I had a change of heart. I left for the morning break.…

This was several years ago. I was in between jobs and went to a temp agency, which placed me in a mailroom. This job was awful. Not only were the supervisors complete jerks and needlessly aggressive and authoritarian, but the work was beyond mindless (taking stacks of junk mail and placing it in a box, to which I thought, why not just let the mail fall out of the chute into the box instead of having a person do it?) and everyone I worked with was nasty and belligerent. After a month or so I received an offer email for a far better office job which I immediately accepted. I received a start date for the following week. I figured I could tough out the hostility in the mail room but, after getting snapped at by the supervisor, I had a change of heart. I left for the morning break. Typically I would get in my car and drive down the road to a park where I would just sit in peace for fifteen minutes. As I approached the park, I said eff that place, and kept going. I pulled into a diner and ordered breakfast. I was a bit nervous, never having hot-plugged my own job like that. It was 10:08, and I was due back at 10:15. Now it's 10:14, then 10:16, then 10:20. Eventually I got a call from the home office asking where I was, to which I responded “Take a good guess”, hung up, and continued buttering my toast. The job was inherently miserable, so if supervisors thought part of their own role was to be antagonistic to employees, sorry, I'm out. I prefer some happiness while I work.

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