
Deeply disillusioned w/ capitalism after a car crash

Hey, I nearly died in a car crash about one month ago. Car flipped on its hood. It’s a miracle I’m alive with no injuries. In a very symbolic way, watching that car die was like losing my respect for contemporary capitalism in a lot of ways. I have a few thousand bucks coming in from my car insurance and within reason it’s like a mild opportunity to set myself up for a life that will be as little offensive as possible to my new post-capitalist sensibilities. Any ideas? What should I do for work?

Hey, I nearly died in a car crash about one month ago. Car flipped on its hood. It’s a miracle I’m alive with no injuries. In a very symbolic way, watching that car die was like losing my respect for contemporary capitalism in a lot of ways. I have a few thousand bucks coming in from my car insurance and within reason it’s like a mild opportunity to set myself up for a life that will be as little offensive as possible to my new post-capitalist sensibilities. Any ideas? What should I do for work?

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